I have others stuff I need to do. But, I just need to put this out there because it's just the latest example of the weapons grade bullshit I've been seeing.
Ok, let me back up.
Today is July 7th, 2016. There have been a couple of police shootings today that are very controversial. One especially looks very bad for the cop involved. Of course immediately people began taking sides as far as who was right, or which shooting was justified. I thought that since I wasn't there for either of them and news reports are usually unreliable at the very best, I'll just wait until after the grand juries / trials are over and hear about them then. You know, what I considered a sensible move.
Then... Oh man, then...
I saw a link to an article by someone named Simcha Fisher and no, I don't expect you to know who that is. The article was referencing one of the shootings that happened today so I wondered "What could she possibly know about this?" I clicked on the link. Bad move.
The article, just a couple of lines really, wasn't about the shootings of today, though she had linked it as such. It was titled "But Philando Castile was black". In the body of the article she instead talks about some old white codger who was disarmed by police after he threatened them. Her summary: This guy was white. He's still alive. That's all I have to say." The implication being, of course, that cops don't shoot white people, just blacks, because, you know, racism and stuff.
This was cross linked with a similar heap of bullshit from the one and only Mark Shea, who responded with this image:
Because cops don't shoot crackers! Only blacks get the pop pop pop of stainless steel, bitches!!! He goes on with this gem soaked in 30 weight sarcasm: "That’s because white guys in open carry states are Patriots, but black guys in open carry states are thugs."
Because cops just shoot black guys. Because they're racist! White guys are never viewed as a threat. His smug self-satisfaction was bordering on the masturbatory.
Now here's the thing: I know there are bad cops. I know there are even some racists out there. That's reality. But the assertion that cops are just going out daily and mowing down innocent black guys for sport and letting whites get away with everything because they're white is a stupid, false leftist trope and if any of you reading this actually believe it, then you need to either get snipped or have them tubes tied, because you are too stupid to be allowed to reproduce.
What's that? Can I prove it's false? Well, yes, actually.
There's actually a site called "The Counted" that was set up by the Guardian newspaper explicitly to showcase how overwhelmingly disproportionate the racial violence against blacks by American law enforcement was. Thing is, once they put the data in, is actually showed the opposite.
You can check out the site here and play around with the stats.
So far in 2016 the cops have killed 279 whites and 136 blacks. So, right off the bat you can see that both Shea and Fisher are totally full of shit. Whites do get gunned down by the cops, quite often in fact. It just doesn't make the national news.
Now I could end it there, but there is one last point I wanted to share. If you sort the numbers by 'white' on that site, you'll see the name "Dylan Noble". I saw it when I checked the site out and the name struck me. I had heard about it somewhere, but couldn't remember where. So I searched for the case.
There isn't a whole lot on him, actually. He led the cops on a chase when they were looking for another suspect. They confronted him and told him to comply with arrest. He made a sudden move for the small of his back, and the cops, fearing he was bringing a firearm into play, shot him. He died. It turned out he was actually unarmed.
Now, I'm pretty sure every one of you remembers the name "Michael Brown". How could you not? Slogans, t-shirts, endless Facebook memes, his face on signs at protests... How many of you remembered the name "Dylan Noble"? I can tell you how many. That number is zero. None of you do. Not a single one of you knew his name or what happened. This has a lot to do with the fact that the media really didn't pick up the story at all, and it stayed local news. No marches, no mass protests, No one, including you, could possibly have given a shit less. Noble, being white, wasn't politically useful.
Really, the facts in either case are irrelevant. The only thing that matters to people it seems is how politically useful the death was. Dylan's death wasn't useful in propagating the popular campfire story leftists like Shea and Fisher love to tell each other, the story that all the cops in the US wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is whoop out "YYYEEEEEHHAAAWWW! I'm gonna kills me a nigger today!"
BlackLivesMatter decided to have a march in Dallas this evening to protest the shootings. In the process, someone murdered 4 police officers. Yeah, there is a slim chance that it's TOTALLY unrelated I suppose. However, considering the race baiting that has been non stop in the news ALL DAY today, promoted by smug bullshit artists just like Mark Shea and Simcha Fisher, I don't think it's too much of a leap to make the assumption that someone decided to hell with the legal system, I'm getting payback.
Dear Mark and Smicha. If you two ever read this, eat a dick, the both of you.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
"Civil War" Wasn't That Good.
So I've seen the Captain America Civil War film now. The visuals were really good and the fights entertaining but the story is forced, contrived and not believable. They never even address the two major villains in the film (neither of whom are the Zemo guy or the armored guy at the beginning).
So what's wrong with the story? It has no real conflict that comes naturally. It is made up and sustained, out of whole cloth, merely to drive the movie along. The conflict between the major characters wouldn't even survive 30 seconds of rational thought by the characters themselves. None of the characters, aside from the two minor villains, have any real motivation for what they do.
But before we actually address the story, the villains, the real ones, should be identified:
Tony Stark - Iron Man
Yes, he is a villain.
How so? Simply put, he is a megalomaniac who's actions directly lead to the deaths of many people. He is also a textbook example of a narcissist who engages in a massive amount of projection of blame onto others.
Let's do the math: minor villains and major villain in his initial story come into being because of his own actions. In the last Avengers movie the major baddie is literally his own creation that almost results in the total death of all human life on the planet. All that in that movie comes to past because of his actions. In this latest film, he projects blame onto the Avengers in general, portraying himself as the white knight who wants to do the right thing.
In Civil War we see Stark ignore his job with the Avengers to give an address at MIT, leaving a mostly B-Team level group to deal with a very dangerous and unstable situation in a shit-hole African country that is harboring deadly WMDs. One could convincingly make the case that, had Iron Man been there, the end result would have been vastly different. Captain America should have thrown all that in Stark's face when he was making his impassioned appeal for everyone to sign the accords. It wasn't the rest of the team that needed oversight, it was just him.
He also goes for full out murder at the end. It would have been murder of an INNOCENT person, btw. In case you have forgotten, morally and legally a person is not accountable for actions they committed when they had ZERO choice of action, which we are given to understand was the case for the Winter Soldier guy.
That's one villain down, but who is the other?

The Government / United Nations
The most annoying part of the film for me was when the general is showing footage from the Avengers' battles in an effort to shame them with guilt. However, none of the cases he shown proved his point, and in fact, did more damage to it.
The New York / Alien attacks: OK, what exactly were they supposed to do? NOT fight? How would having been under UN command at that point made any difference in ANY way in the outcome? The 'oh so concerned with civilian casualties' government also tried to nuke New York as well, so the general's argument there is a bust. What about Sarkozia (spelling? Meh, I don't care)? Again, how would it have turned out ANY differently? Delay would simply mean that the evil robot's plan would have succeeded as no bureaucracy would have reacted fast enough. (Remember what happened at Benghazi in real life?) And even if they HAD been under UN command, what would have changed? Nothing.
If I understand the characters correctly, the general in the film was also responsible for causing the destruction involving the Hulk and Abomination. So much for 'there would be consequences'. He seems to have kept his stars and even been given more power.
So why is there no natural conflict? Captain America is shown agonizing over if he should sign the accords. The problem is that for someone like him, who is a modern incarnation in fiction of the medieval paladin, there is ZERO choice there. Considering how much DIRECT evil the UN engages in on a constant basis (from supporting or ignoring wars of aggression waged by member states that deliberately target women and children like it does in the dirty conflicts in the Middle East now, to winking at active slavery in nations in its membership.) "No, I will not submit to UN control" should have come off the Captain's lips as easy as saying "No, I won't be a hitman for the Russian mob."
Oh, and Nigerian Batman shows up in the, but I'm not sure why I should care.
Enough for now, it's late.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
How to Tell if You're Watching a Shitty Superhero Show
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Answer: It has this guy in it |
About a year and a half ago I heard they were making a TV show about the DC character "Green Arrow". I thought: "They are making a show, now in its second season, about a guy who literally dresses up like Errol Flynn and fights criminals with a bow?"
Had it been earlier in the year I never would have even checked it out. But I decided to see if it was any good. After all, I had just seen a fan made Punisher short (not Dirty Laundry, it was another one, I forgot the name) that was actually pretty good for what they had to work with. How bad could this really be?
Pretty much crap, as it turned out. I decided to find the first three episodes and check them out. I forced myself to watch the first two and couldn't go any further. Now I actually became hopeful at first. I mean, right out of the door, boom, Deathstroke shows up to stab him. But as it turns out, it was all fluff and no delivery.
Now keep in mind, I really don't know anything about this hero character, so maybe I was missing all sorts of interesting things that fans of him (Is there an actual fan base for him?) saw and loved, but I honestly shouldn't have to know anything. There shouldn't be any prerequisites.
The guy, whats-his-name who plays Green Arrow (and they don't even call him that), seems to play it like he's Batman, but without any of the story, character or motivation that makes Batman, you know, Batman. And he looks like he's always about 5 seconds from crying. They pair him some girl playing his sister who is perpetually whining (probably because she was in desperate need of a sandwich, by the look of her). It was really that grating sister character that almost made me give up during the first episode.
So I stopped after those two episodes. The constant grating whining, moping and "why did you leave me" bullshit just got to me.
Fast forward to about 2am this morning.
So my youngest kid was tossing around a lot. When that happens I usually sit in the basement with him on my lap as that calms him down so he can sleep. So I'm flipping through YouTube cinema sins channel and one of the suggested videos links was something about "Latest Arrow episode the best ever" I thought "Wait, that's still on? Huh, maybe it got better." A quick Google search led me to a stream for the latest episode, which I watched.
I honestly don't understand why people think this show is so amazing. It starts and... damnit! They still have the whining sister but now everyone is running around in leather bondage gear. Who is the black guy? Am I supposed to know who he is? Is he a big name guy?
Ok, yeah, I know they are on season 3 or something by now so I don't know the story up until now, but even taking that into consideration, it still sucked. Tom Cruise's friend from 'Minority Report' is the bad guy. He's in jail and he wants a monkey statue. HE WANT'S IT BAD. This guy is actually not a bad actor btw, but they don't really use his him well. He just does the 'glare at people and clench my hands' thing that Fasbender does in X-Men. They get in a big fight with a bunch of military types who, lucky for Green Arrow and friends, are completely incompetent and opt for using Queensbury Rules against our heroes instead of doing what bad guys actually do and mowing them down with machine guns. Bad guy then stabs Green Arrow's girlfriend (who is now into bondage too). She manages to whine a bit more before she dies. (oh no!) My reaction: "Good."
There were several people at my last job who loved this show. Why?
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Stupid Songs Idiots Like - Entry 1
The Song
"One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" - George Thorogood and The Destroyers
What People Think It's About
Hard livin', hard drinkin', down-on-his-luck independent man just trying to get by in the world.
What It's Really About
Pathetic welfare leech with crippling alcoholism who lies to friend and stranger alike so he can fuel his addiction and thinks highly of himself for doing so.
So let's break it down.
Our 'hero' returns (more likely staggers) home on Friday and has to tell his landlady he can't pay his rent due to no employment. The landlady (the only decent, although naive character in this song) tells him he can pay later. I guarantee her contract doesn't not leave this open. She does this only out of the goodness of her heart.
Our 'hero' then complains that as the days go by, the landlady isn't all cheerful when she seems him. Sorry, what does he expect? He's behind on his rent and she is seeing evidence day after day that he has no intention of doing so.
She eventually confronts him about this situation directly. Remember, he has said he will have the rent in a few days. We aren't told how long it's been, but we can guess by her reaction that it's been beyond just a couple of days. He makes an excuse that he can't find a job. She then points our that she has seen him loafing around corners during the middle of the day. He makes a pathetic excuse about 'being tired' because he's walked all day looking for a job.
What happens? She gives an ultimatum: Rent money on Friday or your out. That day comes and what does our hero do?
Our 'hero' shambles to the home of an acquaintance, a man who is obviously more successful and harder working than himself, with a family to care for. He asks him if he can crash on his couch for a few days because he's losing his apartment. This friend, obviously a bit lacking in the character judgement department, asks his wife if his unemployed, alcoholic loafer of a 'friend' can stay at their house. While that scene is not spelled out, my guess is that the wife is shocked that her husband would display such a lack of judgement and says 'no'.
This acquaintance, obviously a modern man not used to direct conflict, tries to give his friend the hint that, no, it's no ok for him to crash here. Our inebriate 'hero' misses the point and thinks it's all funny.
He then goes to his apartment and grabs his clothes and a few other items. He doesn't totally pack, as the lyrics say he leave quietly out the back on foot. That means he grabbed some clothes and perhaps a few small items. It also means he left his trash and whatever insect-ridden furniture he was accustomed to passing out on in his apartment, meaning that now the landlady has to do a full clean out of the apartment (see my videos for an example). He leaves laughing to himself that the landlady isn't going to get any of the current or back due rent. In short, he's delighted with himself with stealing from her.
Now one may be tempted to sympathize with him at this point. I mean, no job, no money, what is he to do? Oh no, the next part just brings it all home. Where does he go after screwing over his landlady? To the bar.
He apparently knows this bartender, and begins to order enormous amounts of alcohol. In fact he stays there for what we may guess to be about 10 hours. Why 10 hours? Well, his landlady was 'hollering' at him as he was leaving, so unless the lady lived there herself it was, latest, about 5pm. After pickling himself he asks the time only to be told it's 3am. That's 10... solid... hours....
Which brings up another good point. Liquor at a bar is not cheap. He's been drinking, 3 drinks at a time, for 10 hours. That's a SHIT load of money. Given the age of the song, he wasn't using a credit card, so he was paying with cash. I'm willing to bet he spent CLOSE to his rent amount just in booze that night. So in reality, he could have been responsible, he could have paid his rent, but he chose not to. It's at this point that an objective listener will also conclude that he lost his job because he constantly smelled like a distillery.
This song is meant to be liked by a 'toughguy' audience. But the 'hero' is really just a first rate piece of shit. The next time you're even in a bar and this song plays on the radio, look around at who actually seems to be into the music. It will usually be some fat, balding guy in a Harley vest, who in real life is a mid-level accountant with a perpetually angry wife and 2 layabout, loser kids. It's kind of sad really.
Where not told the final fate of the song's 'hero'. I like to think that, almost blind drunk, he tries to stagger to his friend's house, begins banging on and trying to force the front door, not realizing that it's the wrong house, and receives a barrage of 9mm rounds to his face when he finally bursts into the living room. It's a pity that part never made it into the song.
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The kind of person you losers THOUGHT the song was about |
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The kind of person the song is REALLY about |
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